Lillestrøm videregående skole, Lillestrøm, Norway - Cady Coleman, KC5ZTH Friday, February 11, 2011 Telebridge station W5RRR in Houston, USA will call NA1SS at approximately 12:48 UTC. 1. What is the purpose of ISS? What do you want to find out? 2. What kind of experiments are you currently conducting at the Space Station? 3. How do you prepare before a Space expedition? 4. What are you doing at the Space Station when you are not working? 5. We read that medicine and psychology research are taking place at the ISS, why and how? 6. How is the cooperation between the astronauts from different countries? 7. How was spending Christmas in Space? 8. In what way will you use the information and the experiences you get in relation to future research and development of new technology? 9. Do you get the opportunity to keep in touch with your family? 10. What is it like to be the only female at the ISS? 11. Have you ever been afraid at the Space Station? Why or why not? 12. How are you supplied with oxygen in Space? 13. What are the pros and cons for visiting the Outer Space? You've been there for more than a month. Do you ever regret your decision? 14. What was your first experience with weighing nothing? 15. What is the major difference between life on Earth and life on ISS? 16. How do you manage everyday tasks, like eating, exercising and going to the toilet? 17. How long are you at the Space Station at the time? 18. How is it to sleep when you are weightless? 19. How are you protected from solar radiation? 20. Do you like the food you are served?